

This month's "Educause review" has an interesting article on possible
ramifications of the recent student loan kick-back scandal (plus other
scandals involving non-profit organizations and ethics) and how this
could affect campus IT professionals.


Appropriate purchases are not only considered, but also corporate
sponsored events, personal investments (e.g. stocks), and implied
endorsements (e.g. t-shirts or mugs).  I could not find anything that
addresses this; The AUP, FERPA rules, Sensitive Data Campaign, etc.
address usage / administration of data and network / computing
equipment.  Purchasing has its rules, but conflict-of-interest goes
beyond that.  I don't plan on hiding my SGI mug.  But, then again, maybe
I am subconsciously helping sales (I doubt it!).


Seriously, though, has MSU thought about a conflict-of-interest or
ethics policy for the IT folks?   It is a valid concern?


 ~ Esther


Esther V. V. Reed

IT Systems Administrator

MSU Graduate School