

John Valenti writes: 

> On October 23, at 5:18 PM October 23, Laurence Bates wrote: 
>> In addition, I regularly have problems getting security codes for  
>> software that I purchase off the Internet and need to use immediately.
> Laurence, this is probably from the greylisting... email from a new  
> sender is automatically rejected the first (few?) times, just to help  
> make sure it is a valid smtp server. 
> I have noticed this issue too, but felt that it was a worthwhile  tradeoff 
> to reject more spam using this method. 
> As I recall, a second message from the same sender goes thru  immediately. 
> So if there is some means of getting the remote end to  send any sort of 
> message to you first, the important message should  come thru right away.  
> Maybe someone from the mail team could comment  on this?

After the second attempt at delivery, in under a 4 hour time period, the 
server is then trusted for approximately 36 days. (The process must be 
repeated afterwards) 

Unfortunately there are web apps which don't use an email server to send out 
confirmations, etc from their pages. They attempt at sending only 1 message 
without worrying about delivery errors. 

Please submit a problem ticket with the ACNS Help Desk at if you're having an issue like this. If possible we try 
to see if a sending host is able to be RFC complaint with retrying delivery. 
If this fails and the server doesn't appear to be a potential large source 
of spam, then we can add its IP address to an exception list. 

>> I don’t blame ACNS for the email delays since they are clearly  related 
>> to the SPAM spikes that we typically get just before Fall  and Spring 
>> breaks.
> Not sure where you are getting the spam spikes related to breaks?  I  
> thought it was 24x7 problem, about 97% of messages are spam.

Yeah, Spammers unfortunately don't rest. We do see overall system spikes 
that correspond to the University academic schedule. (I'm sure many other 
services do as well) Today's performance issues aren't related to Spam, but 
due to our issues with performing backups. More information is posted at: 
