

You raise an important point --- just how valuable would a centralized 
calendar system be?  What features have what value?  Procurement of such 
a system would probably start with these types of question as well as a 
study of use cases.  This discussion has jumped past these issues to a 
discussion of individual software packages.

How would people use such a system?  Where is the value?


Laurence Bates wrote:
> That is a valid consideration but many of our Mac users are now requiring
> Windows on their Intel Mac computers and so the problem for them could be
> worked around.  AD is also a valid objection and I'm not sure that an
> adequate work around could be found for that.  The benefits or trying to
> find one, however, are quite substantial.  I have to believe that MSU is a
> significantly less efficient organization by virtue of not having a
> centralized calendaring system.