


Firstly, the point to which you speak has never been an issue that we 
have been made aware of.  Secondly, I would be very afraid of doing 
"major funding" strictly through email.

How many people do you truthfully know who routinely run 7-figure deals 
over email?  I think your concern is placed at a higher matter that I 
cannot address.  The only thing I can comment on is that the greylisting 
system has been in place for several months.  We had the idea on the 
table for several months before we wound up going live.

Very few delays have stemmed from greylisting over the past months, but 
we have done our best to see to it that they get fixed.  Other delays 
stem from numerous issues, our own email system not withstanding (for 
example, yesterday's slowness due to problems with our NetApp).  But I 
have also seen problems on the sender's side, firewall issues, network 
issues, and client wonkiness to boot.

If you feel your concerns are not being met, I'm afraid you will need to 
take them to some place higher than this list.  I will continue to 
advise against the impracticality of doing major business deals over 
email without some other form of communication to be used as a backup.  
I would never even buy something as little as $10 off the Internet 
without knowing there was a phone number I could call in case there are 

If there are further questions anyone has about greylisting I will be 
happy to do my best to answer them.  It is a system that I play a large 
part in because not too many of my other coworkers care to use OpenBSD.  :-)
