While not open-source, I've use Macromedia (now Adobe) contribute. It is an excellent program designed for non-web people to make updates to websites very quickly. It lets anybody with Dreamweaver setup the template. I think it is like $40 from the cstore. Otherwise, have you thought about using some sort of blog software, or a cms like phpNuke? -Nick Kwiatkowski MSU Telecom Systems ________________________________ From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Michael J. Wolthuis Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:36 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: [MSUNAG] network maintainence to webpage? I was just wondering if anyone had a recommendation for an open source program that would possibly let anyone in an IT helpdesk environment put in network outages / network emergency maintainence / network planned outages / etc into a GUI interface (like MS word, think easy) and then it will auto publish to a webpage? I know I could write one easily, but if there is already a canned or open one out there I would love to know before duplicating the wheel. Thanks! Michael Wolthuis