On May 31, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Cameron R. Williams wrote: > Does anyone here on campus use a Konica-Minolta BizHub > multifunction printer/fax/scanner system? We have been having > trouble with the "Scan to Email" function. No matter what SMTP > settings I use, the scanned documents are not sent and I get a "No > Relaying" type of error message as my only indication of what is > happening. Any suggestions or troubleshooting clues would be > helpful. It used to work flawlessly, but then the "no relaying" > started happening, so I am wondering if something is slightly > different on the mail.msu.edu servers that is preventing the Konica- > Minolta from forwarding the scanned documents to msu.edu email > addresses. I would guess that it requires some type of open-relay, unless the thing has its own built-in SMTP server. Unless you're running your own SMTP server and can whitelist it, you will have trouble. Mail.msu.edu is not an open relay, so it won't help you out in this context (unless the thing is advanced enough to support entering a username and password each time you send something (SMTP AUTH)). You might want to try talking directly with Ed Kryda <[log in to unmask]> about the Express Mail service. I'm not certain if what you're doing will qualify (it is generally used by the registrar, controller, etc for purposes of sending out official communications to large lists of users), but it might. ./matt