ACNS is introducing a new virtual private network (VPN) service. To use the new service, you must visit to install a Java applet and connect. The MSU SSL VPN provides secure access across the Internet to the MSU campus network from remote locations. This service is provided for MSU faculty and staff. This new service creates a secure "tunnel" between each user's computer and the MSU campus network. Until the VPN session ends, all Internet traffic from a user's computer will be routed through the MSU SSL VPN, regardless of destination. Please note that traffic between the Computer Center and other sites on campus will not be encrypted by the MSU SSL VPN; system administrators should ensure that other means of encryption, such as HTTP SSL, are employed as needed. Also note that users must be logged into their computers with Administrator privileges the first time they install the applet. The previous Cisco-based VPN service that ACNS operates will be removed from service on Monday, June 4, 2007. ACNS will send e-mail notification to those who have used the Cisco service since January 1, 2007. For more information and details on how to use the new MSU SSL VPN service, please see: /rich Celebrating 50 Years of Computing at MSU