Now you've got me curious about the Treo. The Treo seems to take its time from the phone provider's clock. /rich
Their section about Windows Mobile is mostly superseded by a patch released last week by Microsoft, so there is no need for the manual process they describe.For Palm, I have only been able to find the manual process.
From: Richard Wiggins [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 2:10 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] PDAs and extended DST
Thinking further about the DST changes, I looked to see if there was information about PDAs. I found the following in the knowledge base for the University of Illinois at Chicago.By the way, I like their writing style. The author shows his love for the obsolete HP100LX and mentions that time zones were invented in Chicago by railroads./rich
2007 Daylight Savings Time Problem Contents 1. Intro and General Information 2. Windows 3. Macs 4. Unix 5. PDAs 6. Applications 7. UICalendar 2007 Daylight Savings Time Changes for PDAs
In 2005, the United States congress passed the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which among other things extended the duration of Daylight Savings Time in United States, starting in 2007. Canada and Bermuda have followed suit.
The problem is that, during the extended periods of three weeks in the spring and one week in the fall, many clocks on systems which automatically to change to and from Daylight Savings Time will continue to operate on Standard Time, even though Daylight Time is actually in effect. These uncorrected systems will not be synchronized with other systems which have been fixed.
This page tells you how to correct that, so that the automatic Daylight Time changes take place on the correct date.
We have until March 11, 2007 to fix this problem in the U.S. and Canada.
Handheld devices, PDAs Most PDAs will need updating. See your manufacturer's Web page for details. If you cannot update its firmware, you may need to configure it so that you can make the Daylight Time adjustments each time manually. Microsoft Windows CE and Windows Mobile Patches are available for equipment manufacturers to incorporate into new equipment. However, for Windows CE and Windows Mobile equipment already out in the field, you have little choice other than to disable automatic Daylight Time changes and change the time manually. To do that: Here is an unofficial patch: Edgeblog: Daylight Saving Time - Windows Mobile Fix
Palm OS In Palm OS 5, (4 also?) edit the characteristics of each location that matters to you in the Date & Time Preferences. Specify whether or not that location observes Daylight Time, and also the new start date (second Sunday of March) and end date (first Sunday of November). Don't forget that all locations in Indiana should be changed to observe Daylight Savings Time. Earlier versions of Palm OS did not have a facility for automatically changing to Daylight Savings Time.
HP 100LX and 200LX The Hewlett-Packard 100LX and 200LX Palmtop PCs are fully-programmable, MS-DOS based PDAs, which despite being over a decade old remain quite popular, with used units in good condition selling on Ebay for a premium price. A great many of these are in daily use, with new applications still being developed.
However, the rules for Daylight Time were different when these wonderful little machines were made. Here is how to correct that, so that the automatic Daylight Time changes take place on the correct date.
How to fix the 2007 Daylight Time dates
- Using Filer, check to see if file C:\_DAT\TIMEZONE.DAT already exists. If it does, then some modification has already been made. Skip to Step 3.
- If C:\_DAT\TIMEZONE.DAT does not exist, then copy file D:\_SYS\TIMEZONE.DAT to C:\_DAT\TIMEZONE.DAT. (You cannot modify file D:\_SYS\TIMEZONE.DAT directly because it is in ROM.)
- Open the Memo program, and use it to edit file C:\_DAT\TIMEZONE.DAT.
- If you have sections besides these, leave them alone. The order of sections is not important. The file should look something like this when you are done editing:
European 3:25-31 6 1:00 10:25-31 6 0:00 Northern 3:8-14 6 1:00 11:1-7 6 0:00 Southern 3:1-7 6 0:00 10:25-31 6 1:00 Mexican 4:1-7 6 1:00 10:25-31 6 0:00- Press F10 to Save the file and exit Memo.
- If you previously had the World Time program running, close it.
- Open the World Time program, find Indianapolis IN in the list of cities, and press ENTER. Indiana started observing Daylight Savings Time in 2006. For Indianapolis, change the Daylight Savings box so that Automatic and Northern are selected, and press F10 when done. Repeat this for any other cities in Indiana that you have defined.
- Change all locations in Mexico so that Automatic and Mexican are selected.
Time Zone File Format
You can define additional sets of Daylight Time changing dates yourself, in file C:\_DAT\TIMEZONE.DAT. The time zone heading must begin with a unique letter of the alphabet. This means you can only have 26 total zones defined. For instance, since there is already "European", you could not also have "Egyptian". It is also not a good idea to make the name of a zone in this file exactly the same as the name of a country - this will cause false hits when you use Find. This is why we use the name "Mexican" instead of "Mexico".The next two lines define when to change time. For instance, under "Northern" above:
The second line under "Northern" likewise reads, "In November, on a day between the 1st and the 7th, which is a Sunday, change the clock to 0:00 later than usual ( i.e. fall back to normal)."
- 3 is for March (1=January - 12=December)
- 8-14 is the range of dates. The 2nd occurrence of a day in a month will be between the 8th and the 14th.
- 6 is for Sunday (0=Monday, 1=Tuesday - 6=Sunday)
- 1:00 means to set the clock 1:00 ahead of usual (i.e. spring forward)
Now that you know how to edit this, you can keep the HP 100LX and 200LX updated for any future changes in Daylight Time change dates.
See Also The notes under 3. General Considerations on the introduction page. Various information are of interest.
Did you know that Time Zones were invented here in Chicago, by the railroads?