Following the leads in previous emails, I looked up some more specific information. The Knowledge Base article mentions the Time Zone Editor, and tzedit.exe, but it does not mention that the tool is a resource kit tool. The Time Zone Editor is in the Windows 2000 Resource Kit. It is available as a separate download at The Time Zone Editor will help you manually make the necessary edits to a time zone as Brian Hoort mentioned, but one time zone at a time. At least one article suggested you might want to update time zone information for more than your local time zone in case applications make calculations related to other time zones. I found one third party tool at The download file is DaylightSavingFix.exe. The notes on the website implied that they just apply the registy settings documented by Microsoft, limiting the updates to US time zones. I don't know if this is the same tool that Brian mentioned or not. The tool is very small (751k). If you run it interactively, the dialog unobtrusively advertises other IntelliAdmin tools. I ran a quick test, and it updated the registry as I expected. If it mucked around with anything else, it did it very quickly (on my slow computer, 500Mhz). They provide silent install and uninstall with the commandline options /qinstall and /quninstall. The uninstall option restores standard (US TZ) Windows 2000 registry settings, not settings made by tzedit.exe that were already in the registry at the time the daylightsavingfix.exe tool was run. I also noticed in the article KB914387 that the Microsoft registry update uses Dynamic DST and only covers 2006 and 2007 for EST. Another article I saw said Windows, including Vista, only handles Dynamic DST for two years, which means any Windows 2000 machines that haven't retired by 2008 will need to have their TZ registry settings updated again. The DaylightSavingFix.exe tool does not use Dynamic DST (and TZedit.exe can't modify Dynamic DST settings). The registry settings made by DaylightSavingFix.exe would also apply to 2008, as long as the DST start is still the second Sunday in March and the end is the first Sunday in November. -Stefan Stefan Ozminski Computer Services W.K. Kellogg Biological Station Michigan State University 199-4427 (from campus)