You might contact MSU Printing Services to see about getting them off the dime. I chatted with a couple of the sales/marketing folks when they demoed the unit at the Computer Fair and they seemed pretty sharp. Surely someone in the local office can get you the test print you need. /rich On 2/19/07, John Gorentz <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > > Are any of you folks familiar with Konica-Minolta Color Bizhubs ( > We already have one of the > black-and-white units, which we like, and are thinking of getting another, > as well as a couple of the color Bizhubs, one of which could replace a > heavily used Color Laserjet that is long in the tooth and needs expensive > repairs. > > I've read good things in reviews about the color quality of Minolta > printers, and have seen the sample pages that the sales rep showed > us. Those samples weren't enough for me to say one way or another how > they'd compare with Color Laserjet output, but I am nervous about it. I've > asked the sales rep to print off the 1st 11 pages of the test document at >, but so far have > gotten nothing but delays and evasions. It is entirely possible that the > printers are fine but the sales rep is working for Dilbert's boss. People > are pressing me to make a decision quickly, given that leases on our > existing copiers are up at the end of this month, and I don't have a good > plan B at the moment. I'm curious as to whether any of you folks use them > or have evaluated them. > > John Gorentz > W.K. Kellogg Biological Station >