

I had an inquiry from a member of our staff today about the MSU 'Arrow' font
type.  As mentioned on a couple official MSU pages:


"The OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY LOGOTYPE can only be reproduced as featured in the
Arrow type font."


The person making the inquiry mentioned that at one time a few people in our
department had the font installed, but we are unable to locate it.  Searches
on 'arrow font' through search engines are pretty unrewarding, and searching
MSU's site lead me to:


which mentioned the above statement, had downloadable images of official
logos once signed in, however still provided no link or information about
the font itself.


Any sources or further information would be appreciated.  Thank you.


- Joe


Joseph M. Deming
Windows System Administrator

310 Auditorium Building
East Lansing, MI 48824-1120
(517) 355-9300 x106
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