

On Thu, 4 Jan 2007, [windows-1252] Alan Herman wrote:

> Is anyone on campus using ARCserve and also using an LTO library?  We have
> a Quantum Superloader that is giving us nothing but trouble.  We are
> searching for a replacements for the Superloader.
> [...]

We (Dept of Physics and Astronomy) use Arcserve with a StorageTek L40
40-slot tape library with an LTO-1 and an LTO-2 drive in it (two drives
of a possible four for this model).  It uses a SCSI interface, connected
to a SCSI add-on PCI card in the system running Arcserve.

While not entirely problem-free, on the whole it has worked out reasonably
well (I can go into the details of what I mean by that off-list if you are

If a 40-slot auto-changer is overkill for you, StorageTek (now a division
of Sun; it wasn't when we bought ours) also has smaller-capacity libraries,
as well as the option of buying the L40 more cheaply with some of the slots
disabled (I'm pretty sure we bought ours with 20 slots active, and later
paid an upgrade fee - a fairly large upgrade fee, but probably cheaper than
a second 20-slot system - for a new dongle to activate the other 20 slots;
since I wasn't the one to actually do that part, my recollection may be a
bit hazy as to the details).

George J Perkins        
1209B BPS Bldg, MSU               Phone: 517-355-9200 ext 2567
East Lansing, MI  48824-2320        FAX: 517-353-4500