

>>> Peter J Murray <[log in to unmask]> 12/13/2006 4:24 PM >>>
> What solutions are different units on campus using for 'off site' 
> backup, or at least, backups in another building.  Is there a service 
> that ACNS or AIS provides for those of us who want to keep a redundant 
> data source outside our building?  Are system administrators taking home 
> tapes with them for off site storage (and is that even allowed)?  Does 
> MSU have an agreement or preferred vendor for off site backup?

Taking the tapes home isn't a good idea, for a lot of reasons.  We pay a small fee for AIS to store our backup tapes at a secret, undisclosed location.  Each week, they have my box of tapes ready to exchange for the new set I send over there with a student runner.

As a solution, however, this kind of begs the question of how I would restore the data on the tapes if my tape drive melted in a fire or whatever.    Perhaps I might post to the list to see if anyone else has similar hardware that I could borrow in an emergency?

Kim Geiger
Information Technologist
Broadcasting Services