

Couple of follow up notes:

I was able to upgrade the firmware on the jet direct card, and finally, 
it works as it should.  It has woken up every time, even in a deep 
sleep.  I believe the latest firmware is only a month or so old, so for 
those of you who are still looking for a fix (I specifically remember 
someone asking me to share if I ever found a solution), give the 
firmware upgrade a try.

Also, NOD32 has been upgraded to 2.7, an automatic update will be sent 
out sometime in December.  Since switching a few months ago, we've been 
extremely happy, it has been fast, low footprint and excellent at 
detecting threats, including spyware.  2.7 goes even further, with 
enhanced rootkit detection and even more spyware detection.  I highly 
recommend it, if you haven't already switched.  I've ran across yet 
another computer that was "protected" with Norton only to find that it 
was infected with multiple infiltrations; I believe there has also been 
more vulnerabilities posted for Symantec products.

> We had a couple of the 4500CNs and they suffered similar problems.  For
> the longest time I had hoped that one of the firmware updates to the
> internal JetDirect card would fix the problem.  They didn't.