

On Dec 27, 2006, at 5:31 PM, Charlot, Firmin wrote:
> Is there anyone who has taken the leap and virtualized some or all  
> their production boxes and if so any advice/pitfalls/benefits that  
> you could provide would be greatly appreciated?  What are you using  
> for your Host server(s) (Open-Source, VMware or Microsoft Virtual  
> Server).
It depends on how much you want to virtualize. I am in charge of a  
small system in Residence Life and will be deploying a VMWare server 
(running on Suse Linux) to virtualize about a half dozen or so hosts.  
I was originally planning on using XEN but it became too much of a  
headache, and I found that VMWare(even just the free version of  
VMWare server) offered nice management features that XEN didn't have.

I know for a fact that the University of Notre Dame relies heavily on  
VMWare to manage/support quite a few production services. Which is  
one reason I am less skittish about using it for my own production  