NAG has asked that we give a heads-up when we send mailings related to computing at MSU to MSU's Deans, Directors, and Chairs (DDC) list. The following mailing from Tom Davis, director of ACNS, will go to DDC soon. Please note that we previously informed NAG of the Pilot sunset via the NAG mailing list on February 21, 2006, and at a face-to-face NAG meeting. /rich To: Deans, Directors, and Chairs Subject: to be retired Academic Computing and Network Services (ACNS) launched in the spring of 2003 to replace the Pilot e-mail system. In the spring of 2004 - after migrating users to - the aging Pilot hardware was retired. Since that time, all e-mail addressed to "[log in to unmask]" has been automatically forwarded to "[log in to unmask]". The time has come to retire Pilot e-mail addresses. As of May 11, 2006, all e-mail sent to an "" address will bounce, with a notice sent back to the sender indicating the mail is undeliverable. Finally, on August 11, 2006, the "" name will be retired and any e-mail sent to "" will be rejected. The elimination of Pilot e-mail addresses should substantially reduce spam deliveries to MSU - with minimal impact on the delivery of legitimate mail. In anticipation of this change, we encourage users to: - check mailing list subscriptions - inform key correspondents to stop using "" addresses - insure that the "From" address they use in all e-mail client software is of the form "[log in to unmask]" (not "[log in to unmask]") If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the ACNS Help Desk at (517) 432-6200, or visit Please notify others in your unit of this upcoming change. Thank you for your assistance. Tom Davis, Director Academic Computing and Network Services