

From what I've heard from Apple support the only 2 Apple authorized repair
facilities around here are Eubulus and CompUSA.  There is an Apple store in
either Novi or Troy, they might do work there, but I don't know.


On 6/15/05 12:25 PM, "Bosman, Don" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> We have been instructed to look in to more MACs for the library.
> Currently we have no support for repair. In warranty machines can go to
> Eubulus but where or where can we take out of warranty machines? Please do not
> refer us to CompUSA except as a last resort.
> Don Bosman
> Information Technologist
> Michigan State University, Libraries
> 100 Library 
> East Lansing, MI 48824
> 517-432-6123  ex 233
> [log in to unmask]