

I'm not sure there would be much value with trying to investigate this.
I don't really rate these any higher than the other 400K spams that we
get on a daily basis. We have people on MSU dial-up accounts that send
spams through our server and not much is done to put a stop to that, as
far as I know anyway. My personal feeling is that unless it becomes a
huge problem, it should just be ignored like any other nuisance.

Chris Wolf wrote:
> The server is the same as the Izzo message. The headers on the Izzo message
> showed it to originate from a Comcast customer in Walled Lake, whose
> computer name was EVAN. I would guess this is from the same computer, but
> the sender seems to have figured out how to remove the other info since
> then; this one shows "nobody" as the originator. Seems as though someone at
> MSU ought to be following up on this.