


The March 2005 MSU Network Administrators Group meeting will be at
1:30 pm this afternoon (Friday, 25 March 2005) in room 1400 Biomedical &
Physical Sciences Bldg.  There will be refreshments.

We don't have any definite presentations lined up for this month, so it
will consist of general discussion, and if anyone from ACNS is there, we
may get some news.

Please set cell phones to vibrate-only mode or turn them off during the
meeting.  Some people are trying to sleep.  No, seriously, this is just
a reminder to maintain "21st century meeting etiquette".  Thank you.

George J Perkins        
1209B BPS Bldg, MSU               Phone: 517-355-9200 ext 2567
East Lansing, MI  48824-2320        FAX: 517-353-4500