

I'm working on an OLD novell server that I'm going to replace with a Windows server -it's dated back to 1995
I've got to find out the version of Novell and determine the current capacity of the databases residing on it.
I have no clue how the interface is going to look - I don't know if the Novell is DOS driven or not.
Currently there is a copy of SQL Anywhere version 5.5 that is OPEN - and yes it is DOS driven - I'm kind of hesitant to close it - to
get to the Novell desktop.
I'm wondering if I close the DOS window for SQL Anywhere, will it break or mess up the database connections and
how will I get it back up and running again - the database is still in production.
This Novell server is running a Razor's Edge database version 6 or below.
240 Ag Hall