

Please forward to Windows system administrators at MSU.

The town hall style meeting on Windows system administration will
begin at 1:30 pm Monday in the International Center Library (formerly
the Con-Con Room, in the International Center on the same level as the
food court).   We will meet with Mark Scott, a Microsoft consultant
who, as it happens, once worked at the Computer Center as a student

Our main topic will be securing Windows systems in general, and in
particular Windows security issues for the coming fall semester.  Mark
will talk about what's possible with SUS and what will be possible
with WUS, as well as other topics as folks raise questions.

We're slated to meet from 1:30 to 3:30, but the room is reserved until
5:00 if needed.  After we are done with the group session, those folks
who previously indicated that their departments want to avail
themselves of the Microsoft consulting offer should hang around to
work out times for initial consultations on Tuesday or Wednesday.
(Based on e-mails I've seen, it looks like we can work this out for
the 5 or so departments involved.)  Mark will come back in a few weeks
to consult further with those departments.
