

The majority of people who responded to my earlier question regarding
the March meeting have suggested we cancel, so my apologies for the
short notice.  The MSUNAG meeting scheduled for this Friday the 12th
will be canceled.

Tentative dates for the next two months are Friday, April 9th, and
Wednesday, May 12th. I will attempt to have representatives from Novell
at the next meeting to discuss their plans for the SuSE Linux software
line.  Also, Dennis Kelly is prepared to speak about the backup software
and configurations he uses.  (Dennis, please let me know if you can make
this date in April.  If not, I may schedule a separate meeting on that
particular topic, as there was quite a lot of interest at our last
gathering.  Thank you again for volunteering.)

As always, if you have areas of expertise that you can share,
information you can provide, or topics of interest to suggest to the
group, please contact me or George Perkins and we will make sure you are
on the agenda.  My thanks to everyone for your time and contributions to
the group.

John A. Resotko
Head of Systems Administration
MSU - Detroit College of Law
208 Law College Building
East Lansing, MI  48824-1300
email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: 517-432-6836
Fax: 517-432-6861