

A repost of the software I talked about a little in today's NAG meeting. The original post is below.

After reviewing the wording it appears to just be for home use. Regardless it's a nice easy way to get a free copy of "zonealarm" for your home provided you use Windows.

Paul Donahue
Information Technology Specialist
CVM Information Technology Center
A227 VMC, Michigan State University
Phone:  353-5551   Fax:  432-2937

>>> "Bosman, Don" <[log in to unmask]> 11/19/03 06:04PM >>>
The idea is great. They are offering the free subscription to help cut down on infestations in general to allow them to better protect their corporate customers.

Yeah, sure. 8-)

If you have users, family, friends, etc. who have resisted antivirus due to cost they just lost that excuse. is the link.

Don Bosman
Information Technologist
Michigan State University Libraries
517-432-6123  ext 233
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