

Thanks to Amaresh for the site. Hopefully it will be up later today. :)

Now I have a question regarding the problems that the MSU Mail team had sometime ago with the hardware that was hosting the new system. I recall from one of the NAG meetings that a member of the team reluctantly mentioned the name of a certain hardware vendor that was having issues running the new system, yet I can't remember the details of these problems.

We are entertaining quotes from this hardware vendor for a SAN and I would be very interested in hearing (preferably off list) what issues they found as we would like to stay away from similar problems since this system would hold almost all of our data across many servers.

Once again, thanks for any input.

Paul Donahue
Information Technology Specialist
CVM Information Technology Center
A227 VMC, Michigan State University
Phone:  353-5551   Fax:  432-2937

>>> "Amaresh R. Joshi" <[log in to unmask]> 01/28/04 08:53AM >>>
At 1/28/2004, Paul Donahue wrote:
>At the last NAG meeting someone from AIS said that they were offering SSL
>certificate services for campus now. I have spent the last 20 minutes
>combing the AIS website and cannot find any information on this service.
>If someone who's "in the know" could point me in the right direction of
>where to look / who to talk with it would be most appreciated.


though the site seems to be down right now.

Amaresh R. Joshi                | Systems Programmer | Health Information Technology
517-355-9309                    | Michigan State University