

Please forward this message to Webmasters at MSU.

MSU Webmasters will meet this Thursday at 1:30 pm in the International
Center Library (formerly known as the Con-Con Room).

Steve Rummel of Human Resources will tell us about the building of the new Web site.  The new site was a total redesign merging content from
two previous sites.  HR employs a content management system and supports a
number of important online transactions.

Other topics include status of LIFT Desktop and LIFT Machine, and
announcement of other new sites at MSU.

At the last meeting, folks suggested that we schedule future meetings in
advance.  We've got the same space reserved for every third Thursday through
June for 1:30 meetings.  (We can adjust a particular meeting if the group so

*** Webmasters mailing list: Please join the Webmasters mailing list.  This
is  a low-volume, announcement-only list.

To join, please send mail to:

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In your message, include a line of this form:

subscribe webmasters Jane Doe

(Replace "Jane Doe" with your name.)

If anyone is uncomfortable subscribing via this process, send me a private
note and I'll add you to the list.

*** New MSU Web sites:

If you've recently launched or re-launched an official MSU Web site, please
let me know.  I'll be sure the site is properly listed in MSU Keywords, and
I'll forward the announcement to the Webmasters list so others are aware.
