

At 17:02 21/08/03 -0400, Bosman, Don wrote:
>The campus network admins are blocking ports 135, 137, 138, and 139. The last three are Netbios ports and are what is used for mapping. Outlook won't work correctly from off campuse now either.

Thanks for the information.  I had wondered if it was something like that.

I had seen Joe Budzyn's note about blocking those ports.  I hadn't realized the significance.

I'm recommending that our people use ftp for now.

Soapbox:  I see that Microsoft is floating information about its new Longhorn products, talking about better integration of software and of clients and servers.  But in light of what's been happening lately, I say we need less integration, not more.  Instead of integration we need clearly defined boundaries between systems, like you get with ftp.   Well, maybe not with Microsoft's ftp server, but you get the idea.

John Gorentz