

We've been approached separately by representatives of Brightmail
and McAfee.  They are interested in presenting to network administrators
on campus about their anti-spam solutions as well as other products.

McAfee is of course familiar as a vendor of antivirus products.
They're moving into departmental and enterprise-wide anti-spam
tools.  They have a new anti-spam appliance that you plug in
upstream of your campus or corporate email feed.

Brightmail supplies enterprise anti-spam tools to major ISPs and
Webmail providers.  I happen to be a customer of, which
recently adopted Brightmail, and my spam rate fell by 90% or
more, with virtually zero false positives.

Would folks be interested in such presentations?  What format
would you suggest?  Both vendors have assured us that the
presentations would be technically oriented, not sales
pitches.  One thought would be to have both on the same
day if we could arrange it, though that might lead to less
frank discussions.  If a live demo of products could be
arranged, would that appeal?
