

You can point your browser to (without the
http or https prefix) and you'll land on the URL Steve gave.

After you've converted you can get into the system by pointing
your browser to  Similarly, you'll land on the
secured Web page.

If you or one of your users hasn't upgraded but tries to log
in at, you see a note telling them they need to
upgrade to use the system.

The bottom line is that thanks to redirects, customers don't
have to remember the https prefix.

The page does list the upgrade URL but
it's not a hyperlink.  We'll add one at the bottom of the
page.  We want folks to read the page before they upgrade.


>Thanks Steve.  That does it.
>Cheryl Akers, MS, CNA - [log in to unmask]
>Microcomputer Support - Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
>2228C Biomedical Physical Sciences
>Michigan State University
>East Lansing, MI  48824
>517-355-6463 X1514