

On 2/4/02 10:46 AM, "Mike Gurtzweiler" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> One of the faculty in my department would like to use the international dialup
> numbers merit offers in Canada while he is there. I have checked around and
> could not find any information on whom I need to be talking to verify or set
> it up so he has access.
> If anyone knows who I need to talk to, or if our faculty already are set up
> for access I would appreciate the information!
> Thanks
> Mike

Contact Richard Ivans in the Computer Lab to confirm access.

Richard C. Tibbals
Michigan State University
CAS Information Technology Manager
287 Comm Arts Building
East Lansing, Mi   48824-1212
Voice - 517-432-5674
Fax - 517-432-1244

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