

I wrote:
> [...]
>                      The "From:" header clearly says "[log in to unmask]",
> which not only is not the true origin of the message, but it doesn't exist
> at all.
> [...]

It occurs to me that if the original message generated by Antigen said

 From: Antigen

only (with no "@anywhere"), then our system would assume it to be a
local address and would tack on the "" part, as the sendmail
"always_add_domain" feature is turned on, to make sure E-mail is not
generated without a proper address; if some other system was NOT con-
figured to always generate a proper address, then this overcompensation
could occur.

George J Perkins                 [log in to unmask]  Work: 517-432-3820
125 Physics-Astronomy Bldg, MSU  Home: 517-332-2746  FAX:  517-353-4500
East Lansing, MI  48824-1116