What do people want for Microsoft training classes? The following is what Debbie is putting on the calendar. Please let me know both ways. Is this what you want? If not what courses would you like offered. NOTE: Deb needs this info ASAP so she she can schedule the rooms and the trainers. - Mel I have been working on the MS Certified classes for SS 02. This is what I plan on offering: 02/11 - 02/15/02 Upgrading Support Skills from WIN NT to WIN 2K #1560 02/18 - 02/22/02 Implementing MS 2000 Professional Server #2152 02/25 - 03/01/02 Implementing & Administering MS WIN 2000 Directory Service #2154 Let me know ASAP if we NOT offer the Upgrading #1560 class again. Thanks. Debbie ___________________________ Debbie Louth Libraries, Computing & Technology Training Program Computer Laboratory 602 B. Computer Center East Lansing, Michigan 48824 517-355-4500 ext. 171 [log in to unmask] fax: 517-432-8059 http://train.msu.edu/