
I wanted to discuss this topic (A/V for Pilot) a little bit more, since people started leaving the NAG meeting at 2pm.

Like Cheryl, this was first brought to my attention by a faculty member wanting it. A few days later I was at a NCC meeting where Dr Greenberg commented that the idea was dismissed because faculty wouldn't stand for it (my paraphrasing). Some time later, while spending several days upgrading computers to IE5.5SP2 to avoid Nimda, I decided to pursue it further...

I surveyed our 26 faculty. Ten responded in favor, one neutral and one somewhat opposed. I think there is a strong demand for this service!

Personally I don't have many problems with email viruses, but a certain percentage of our users do. Probably about every 60 days this year, somebody in the School has run one that was re-transmitted using their addressbook.  We use an older version of Norton Anti-virus, it doesn't do a very good job with attachments and is being replaced soon. I think viruses are wasting a large amount of time on campus, we should investigate technical solutions that might improve the situation.

Regarding the AUP issues: how about a check box on TWIG that people could set to indicate they want their email scanned for viruses. And maybe a second check box for SPAM? At the meeting someone mentioned the possibility of setting up an alternate mail system - Pilot2? - that would be scanned and people could choose which one they want to use. I don't care, whatever works and is easily implemented by the Pilot administrators.

My questions for the list:

(1) is anyone running virus scanning on departmental mail servers?  How is that working out?

(2) have you checked with your users to see how many would favor or oppose email virus scanning?

Thank you.

At 08:13 AM 10/19/2001 -0400, you wrote:
My understanding of this topic is that any system that scans the contents of
mail messages (that is, anything inside the packet headers or addressing
headers) has serious AUP issues...  The *ONE* thing on this campus that has
the *MOST* priavacy protection under the AUP seems to be email (at least as
I've had it explained to me).

I'm sure we'll have the right people at the meeting to answer this item

    Rob Neary
    Physics & Astronomy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cheryl Akers, Microcomputer Support - Microbiology
> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 8:10 AM
> Subject: Re: NAG meeting reminder - this Friday the 19th
> I'd like to make sure that the discussion of virus scanning
> of pilot mail takes place today.  I've had a lot of questions
> from my users about why the Univerity isn't doing that already.

* John Valenti Systems Analyst, Labor & Industrial Relations *
* 408 S Kedzie Hall, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824 *
* (517) 353-1807 fax (517) 355-7656 [log in to unmask] *