


I finally figured out how to replicate Active Directory from one server to another, but in the process broke my Exchange server.

Does anyone know if it's possible to run Exchange and Active Directory on the same server?  I found a KB article that says it won't run on a domain controller or a global catalog server, but I'm not sure if that is the same thing as AD.

Then, my other problem is that the Exchange service account was moved out of the local server accounts and into AD. In the process, the account lost the rights/privileges for "logon locally", "act as a service" and "read/write any file/directory".  Any idea on how to set those items?   The help files say to use group policy, but I've been looking at that for hours with no solution.

Thanks again!

* John Valenti Systems Analyst, Labor & Industrial Relations *
* 408 S Kedzie Hall, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824 *
* (517) 353-1807 fax (517) 355-7656 [log in to unmask] *