> Dear Colleagues,
> We are seeking applicants for 2 funded doctoral research assistantships in science education beginning in the summer of 2018. One position will be at the University of Georgia and other will be at the University of Alabama. The research assistantships include both tuition and a stipend and are funded by the National Science Foundation grant: Research on the Utility of Abstraction as a Guiding Principle for Learning about the Nature of Models in Science Education (DRL-1720996).
> Applicants should have a background in science teaching and/or interest in learning how to conduct science education research. If you are interested in one of these positions (or know of someone who might be interested), please contact Daniel Capps ([log in to unmask]) and Jonathan Shemwell ([log in to unmask]) for more details.
> Sincerely,
> Daniel Capps and Jonathan Shemwell