We have an opening at Michigan State that I thought you might be interested in. This would be a great position for anyone who wants to focus on scholarly teaching and geoscience education. See below for the ad!
Take care
The Department of Geological Sciences (GLG) and the Center for Integrative Studies in General Science (CISGS) are administered by the College of Natural Science. These two units are jointly seeking a fixed term faculty instructor to teach and support curriculum development of
undergraduate general education science courses, with an emphasis on the Integrative Physical Sciences. The appointment will begin 8/16/15 and will be a renewable, one year (9 months) position with expectation of continuation based on satisfactory performance. Responsibilities will
include teaching integrative science courses (e.g., History of Life; Understanding Earth: Natural Hazards and the Environment; Climate Change) and Earth Science courses.
The teaching load will typically be two to three sections per semester, depending on engagement in other efforts. Opportunities exist to teach upper-level courses in Geological Sciences (e.g., Sedimentology/Stratigraphy), to participate in ongoing efforts to build online courses, to collaborate with researchers engaged in cutting-edge research in disciplinary-based science education, and to teach summer semester classes for additional pay.
Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in Earth Sciences and related fields or in science education with a earth science emphasis, with strong evidence of training or experience in teaching undergraduate science courses.
Desired Qualifications: Ph.D. in Earth Sciences and related fields or in science education with a earth science emphasis, with strong evidence of training or experience in teaching undergraduate science courses. Preferred candidates will have employed in-class active learning and/or inquiry-based modes of instruction and be proficient and current in the use of instructional technology.
Applicants should submit a CV and a statement of teaching philosophy and experience with their application to This is posting number 0193. In addition, applicants should arrange for three letters of recommendation, which specifically highlight their teaching experience and education efforts, and service work, to be uploaded to the same posting.
Review of applications will begin on Dec. 1st, 2014 and will continue until the position is filled. Questions regarding the position may be directed to David T. Long, Chair of the Search Committee ([log in to unmask]) or to Gabe Ording, Director of the Center for Integrative Studies ([log in to unmask]).