I know that Chrome wants to install in the AppData, and I know that Microsoft has made the recommendation that developers run their apps in "User Space", which is lending itself to installing applications in the AppData location. I've seen quite a few .NET 4.0 applications that our vendors have provided in the last few months that run entirely in the AppData (and launch from links within the browser).
I know the newest Avaya apps are run entirely from the AppData area (although most apps give the option to install outside the user space).
From: Al Puzzuoli [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 10:39 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] Drawbacks to Preventing Executables from Running in AppData?
Hi everyone,
Curious as to whether any of you have taken the approach described in the attached PDF of preventing executables in %AppData% from running? I’ve justcreated a GPO as outlined in that document and am testing it on my own machine. So far, nothing appears to be breaking, and I can’t think of many vital apps that this would disrupt. I figure I can easily whitelist the few I might find that actually do break. Are there any disadvantages I might be missing to this approach?