I will attend the seminar.
Dr. Pramanik, Computer Science and Engineering.
> Dr. Rafael Casellas is the Science at the Edge seminar speaker on Friday,
> October 18. His abstract is below and attached to this message. Dr.
> Kefei Yu is hosting the speaker If you would like to meet with Dr.
> Casellas, please reply to this message with your available times
> (flexibility is helpful in scheduling the appointments) and I will get
> back with you to confirm the time.
> Friday, October 18
> 7:45-9:00 Open - Breakfast w/speaker (he is staying at Kellogg
> Center and charge meal to his room)
> 9:00-9:45 Open
> 9:45-10:30 Filled
> 10:30-11:15 Filled
> 11:15-11:30 Speaker Preparation, 1425 BPS
> 11:30-12:30 Seminar, 1425 BPS
> 12:30-2:00 Filled - Lunch w/speaker
> 2:00-2:45 Filled
> 2:45-3:30 Filled
> 3:30-4:15 Open
> 4:15 Dr. Yu takes Dr. Casellas to the airport
> Rafael Casellas
> Genomics & Immunity, NIAMS
> NIH, Bethesda, MD
> The NIH Mouse Regulome Project
> The National Institutes of Health recently launched the NIH Mouse Regulome
> Project (NMRP), an initiative that seeks to characterize all
> gene-regulatory elements and ranscription factor binding sites in the
> mouse genome. This is achieved by mapping genome-wide DNA methylation,
> chromatin modifications that demarcate promoters and enhancers, PolII
> binding, transcriptome analyses, and DNAseI hypersensitivity. In contrast
> to the previous human ENCODE project, which assigned enhancers to cognate
> promoters based on proximity, the NMRP makes use of a newly developed
> deep-sequencing technique (ChIA-PET) that precisely maps promoter-enhancer
> interactions with unprecedented detail. To complement these efforts, a
> Genome Editing facility was created to assemble hundreds of zinc finger
> nucleases with the goal of deleting regulatory domains and study their
> activity in vivo. The seminar will highlight the applications of these
> technologies to mouse ES cells and B lymphocytes.
> Helen Geiger
> Administrative Assistant
> Quantitative Biology Graduate Program and
> Gene Expression in Development and Disease
> 212 Biochemistry Building
> Michigan State University
> East Lansing, MI 48824
> Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> Phone: 517-432-9895
> QB Website: http://www.qbi.msu.edu/
> GEDD Website: http://www.gedd.msu.edu/
> <10-18-13CasellasAbstractFlyer.doc>
> Katheryn Meek, Professor
> Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Pathobiology & Diagnostic Investigation
> Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building
> 567 Wilson Rd., Rm 2215
> Michigan State University
> East Lansing, MI 48824
> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>