On 1/28/13 9:50 AM, John Resotko wrote:
> I would like to learn more about the background service used to run
> MSU Netprint. At the Law College, we have our own system in-house for
> our students, but I'm looking at other solutions to replace what we
> currently use. I would love to talk to the administrator(s) of
> Netprint to find out what software is running that service, and what
> the server and network requirements are to run it.
> Any additional information about local print services for students
> within other colleges would also be appreciated. I'm researching
> possible solutions now, so I could implement a new service and have it
> ready for students in the Fall of 2013. Happy Monday, and my thanks in
> advance for any responses.
I'll file a ticket so that our Netprint folk can touch base with you. /L
Leo Sell
IT Services
Technology and Network Support (formerly ATS Help Desk)