On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:01:49AM -0400, Oscar Castaneda wrote:
> I have a customer that claims that her emails to our staff (with
> @msu.edu and @rsgis.msu.edu) addresses are bounced.
> She used to be able to email us all the time until about one week ago.
> Everybody else can email us fine. We have a decent traffic of email on
> daily basis.
> I am pretty convinced that the problem is particular to them.
> Nonetheless, I would like to have something more tangible to show them.
> I was wondering if I could find if they are being blocked from MSU. I
> remember in the past reading somewhere of IPs or blocks of IPs that
> would be blocked from MSU for security reasons. Is there a way of
> knowing what gets blocked from msu.edu?
My suspicion is that the person's who cannot receive the messages
are over their disk quota. It is possible to have over quota
conditions without getting a specific over quota bounce message.
I have seen several of these lately.
They can check their MSU AFS quota with an 'fs listquota' command
or call the help desk for help with quotas.
Of course, some other problem might be happening. But, as I say, I
have see several of these over quota situations lately.
If they are over quota, they may have to contact the help desk to
get enough files removed so they can actually get on to clean up
their files (messages/folders, etc).
> --
> Oscar Castañeda
> Remote Sensing & GIS
> Michigan State University