Has it just been Windows systems that exhibit this or have you seen other OS as well?
On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Leo Sell wrote:
> On 1/27/11 10:24 AM, David McFarlane wrote:
>> Thanks. Hmm, decided to do a bit of my own homework, went to www.msu.edu and searched for "ipv6", which came up with a link to "IPv6 and the MSU Network - TB10982" (http://techbase.msu.edu/article.asp?id=10982&service= ), which says, "IPv6 is INCOMPATIBLE with our network at this time and therefore MUST be disabled on user computers". Don't know how old that article is though, or if it still applies, or what it means for the future.
>> -- dkm
> That's a simplified statement we've made in our help article. I cannot speak to all of the particulars as to why the issue(s) arise on our network with IPv6. However, I can confirm that the current recommendation remains that it be disabled. The typical issue that we see involves a failure to successfully lease a DHCP address. That situation is usually resolved by disabling IPv6.
> There have also been issues at time with some versions of Windows with IPv6 active becoming rogue (DNS if I recall correctly) on the network.
> Any information more particular than that will have to come from someone other than me.... /L
> --
> Leo Sell
> ATS Help Desk
> http://help.msu.edu
> 517-432-6200