Sorry Dak I missed the specs email....
For me could you tell me the model and type of phone your person is using. Then I assume you have spoken to the customer service rep of the service provider who should have extensive knowledge of the phone and or can do the research for you as a trouble ticket.
We may have a memory issue to deal with.
Timoteo "Timo" Vasquez; MCTS, MCP
Client Services - Network Security Team
[log in to unmask] - 517.353.4420 ext 249
Administrative Information Services
2 Administration Bldg
East Lansing, MI 48832
"I will give you my best and follow your lead... Please dont crash!"
-----Original Message-----
From: Aldrich, Dak [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 11:40 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] BESx initial sync...
I have searched a bit online and cannot find an exact answer to my question.
I've not used BPS all that much before they switched to the BES Express. It is not an issue for me, but apparently i have a user who wants ALL of her calendar appointments from ALL TIMES synced to her blackberry. However, it appears that in the initial sync, it only pulled in appointments from the last 3 months, with the exception of recurring appointments. Recurring appointments go back past 3 months.
I have changed the settings on her phone to keep her appointments forever... however, I have not found, either on the phone or in the IT policies, a setting for how far back to sync.
Does anyone know if it is possible to sync farther than 3 months? or does the initial sync only go back 90 days, period?
-dak aldrich
-network admin
-college of music, msu
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