On Sep 30, 2009, at 1:15 PM, Olson, III Dean wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I have a professor here in the department who uses Google Apps
> calendaring for personal use. When he created his Google Apps
> account he used his MSU email address as his username. Until late
> last night this was never an issue.
> Now when he signs in he gets a prompt from Google Apps saying his
> MSU email address is already in use. When he does a search
> formsu.edu he’s redirected to a Google Apps login which looks like
> it’s been customized for MSU. This leads us to believe there must
> be some agreement now between Google and MSU. However when he tries
> to sign in with his email address in question on this customized
> page the password is incorrect and this is even the case when he
> supplies his MSUNet ID password.
> Does anyone have any idea if MSU now has something going with Google
> Apps? Thanks.
We are working on getting an offering put together, and there are some
pre-provisioning steps that we needed to run through. I can confirm
that this problem will exist for non-Team Edition @msu.edu accounts
(there were approximately 800 Team Edition accounts that we migrated
to our new agreement). I have a call in to Google on this, and am
hoping for some clarification shortly. I have also been keeping our
Help Desk in the loop.
The goal with this service is to provide access using institutional
identifiers (netids/passwords via Shibboleth). We are getting close
to having this ready, but we still have a bit of work to do.
There will be an official announcement as we get closer. I will post
an update to this thread once I have a solution to your faculty
member's problem. I'm sorry that this happened, and there was no
indication that we would have issues like this, but rest assured that
we're working on getting it sorted out as quickly as possible.
Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience,
Matt Kolb <[log in to unmask]>
Assistant Director
Academic Technology Services
Michigan State University