Cancel this.
It appears that Corel's installer is brain dead.
If you fire up two copies of the installer by clicking twice, and
then killing one instance, the other is in a damaged state where
it will not accept any code as being valid.
Rebooting and having just one copy running let things work.
Horrid, nasty and ghastly.
--STeve Andre''
On Wednesday 09 September 2009 19:25:55 STeve Andre' wrote:
> I have a new copy of WP Office X4, bought from the computer store. It
> seems that the printed code on the CD sleeve is *wrong*. I've even
> tried switching letters and numbers for things which might be confusing
> (S for 3, etc) with no luck.
> I am quite sure I'm typing the right code. Corel doesn't offer a phone #
> for general questions unless I fork over $15. Not likely.
> Of course I'm setting up a laptop as I write this, with its owner waiting
> for me to finish right now.
> *sigh*
> --STeve Andre'