I didn't see any responses mention setting an automatic rebuild of the
offline address book. If your system is not updating, it could be set
to "Never" with the expectation that rebuilds would always be done
In Exchange 2003, here's how to check this:
* Open the Exchange System Manager
* Open Recipients / Offline Address Lists
* Right-Click on "Default Offline Address list"
o To manually force a rebuild right now, click on Rebuild / yes
o To check the settings for the automatic rebuild, click on Properties
- Look at the "update interval"
- Use the drop down to select a predefined time. Never is one of
the choices.
- Or click on customize. For example, I skip the weekend and rebuild
M-F once each day.
- Ummm... don't run it too often because it does increase the load
on your server and clients -- which folks may notice. ;^)
Anyhow, that's what I do to speed up distributing changes to the offline
address book.
Hope that helps!
~ Esther
Esther V. V. Reed
IT Systems Administrator
MSU Graduate School
-----Original Message-----
From: MSU Network Administrators Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Al Puzzuoli
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 9:33 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MSUNAG] Can I make Exchange clients Download the Offline
Address Book More often?
The subject pretty much says it all. Last week, I removed a user from a
distribution group; However as of today, most of my clients are still
showing that person as being part of the list. If I manually redownload
the offline address book on each client, the change shows up. Is there
a GPO or something that controls the frequency of address book updates?
Al Puzzuoli
Michigan State University
Information Technologist
Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities
120 Bessey Hall East Lansing, MI 48824-1033