Clearly the right answer is to cut it in two and give one half to the
original owner and the other to the taker.
On 3/23/09 1:59 PM, "David McFarlane" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> At 3/23/2009 01:37 PM Monday, Richard Wiggins wrote:
>> The owner might benefit to have it back, in case they had phone
>> insurance. I believe the MSU Union building is still the best
>> central campus lost and found.
>> Or, if you wanted to go way above the call of duty, take it to an
>> AT&T store and see if they could look up the owner using the serial number.
> Hmm, OK folks, etiquete question: If I find a lost & broken item,
> offer it to somebody else, and they accept, and then I find a way to
> possibly return the item to its original owner, is it polite to take
> the item back after I already agreed to give it to someone? Or
> should I still give the item away, and leave it up to the next person
> to follow through with the lost & found work? Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> -- dkm
>> /rich
>> PS -- well, I suppose it's possible the owner ditched it iPhone in
>> favor of a newer model from LG. :-)
>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:28 PM, David McFarlane
>> <<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Anyone have any use for a broken iPhone? I found one cracked open
>> on the sidewalk while biking in this afternoon, let me know and I
>> can send it through campus mail.
>> -- dkm