A thanks to Matt Kolb and Michael Buchanon for getting me the answer on this. For anyone who wants to know, messages from Angel are relayed through express.mail.msu.edu. You can look up the actual IPs used through MSU's DNS records.
Stephen Bogdanski
Network Support
College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University
>>> Steve Bogdanski <[log in to unmask]> 3/18/2009 2:58 PM >>>
Does anybody know what MX(s) are used by the MSU Angel system to send out email messages to students? I am helping a student with an issue involving her not receiving some of messages from Angel, but others come through fine. These are being sent to her MSU email account and then forwarded on to her CVM email account. I was curious as to what servers send out these messages so that I can make sure they are in my list of exemptions on our email spam/av appliance. Thanks.
Stephen Bogdanski
Network Support
College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University