Ok. Here's what I'd do in the short term...
I don't know about anyone else, but my two buildings each have two IP
ranges. One, the 35.10.89.x, is the DHCP address range. 35.8.225.x is my
static ip range. I'd find an ip in the static range that is not in use, and
set the machine that can't connect to one of those for now, until you find
the rogue machine. That way, you are not creating another possible conflict
by setting a DHCP address as static.
Just my 2 cents...
On 2/26/09 4:06 PM, "David McFarlane" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> How can we force the campus DHCP server to assign a new dynamic IP
> address to a machine, instead of just re-assigning it its latest IP address?
> We seem to have rogue machine in the building set up to use an IP in
> the dynamic range as its static IP address, so when DHCP gives that
> address to our machine we get an IP conflict error. We have tried
> releasing & renewing the IP, but that just gets us back the same IP
> address that has the confilict. We also tried unregistering the
> machine from the campus DHCP server, then re-registering it, with the
> same result.
> So we want to tell the DHCP server, "Please give us a dynamic IP that
> is different from the one we already have, thanks." How do we do that?
> Thanks,
> -- dkm
* dak aldrich
* network admin
* college of music, msu
* [log in to unmask]
* 517.432.5045
* comit.music.msu.edu