On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 10:12:30AM -0500, Vasquez, Timo wrote:
> Will this impact overall internet access with all the potential
> streaming here on campus? Last year it seemed to make a difference and
> many of my clients could not enjoy President Simon's Address. I
> wondered if any improvements made of the last year will make this year a
> success.
I wouldn't expect any impact on Internet access today. I have checked
the key network links, and we have plenty of headroom now.
Our Internet load reached a new peak a couple weeks back, on January 20,
during the inauguration events. On that date, MSU was receiving 1.7 Gbps
from the Internet, which was 25% higher than any previous date, and
20% over recent peak traffic loads. We were able to handle that traffic
without difficulty. And given that today's event will be streamed from
a local source, this should not place any pressure on Internet resources.
As far as receiving President Simon's address, that will depend on the
capacity of the streaming server and any localized network traffic to/from
the server.
Doug Nelson, Network Architect | [log in to unmask]
Academic Technology Services | Ph: (517) 353-2980
Michigan State University | http://www.msu.edu/~nelson/