It's my understanding the first let's you run the server software, but
you need a SharePoint CAL and Windows CAL for each user.
Second allows unlimited users, mostly used if site is anonymous or
open to everyone rather the a department.
Last is same as first, only difference is you get next version
SharePoint Server license free if released within two years of your
That's my understanding
Troy Murray
On Feb 17, 2009, at 10:49 AM, "Oscar Castaneda"<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Somebody understands the price list for SharePoint Server?
> Computer Store site lists:
> Office SharePoint Server 2007 License
> Office SharePoint Server Internet 2007 License
> Office SharePoint Server Internet 2007 License/Software Assurance Pack
> What is the difference on those three levels?
> --
> Oscar Castaneda
> Michigan State University