This problem with Hummingbird Host Explorer and NOD32 still
exists even with NOD32 v3.0.672.
In my case it was with the Domain Admin account that installed the Host
Explorer software. ekrn.exe was using 50% of the cpu. Non-admin domain
accounts in the same domain as the computer did not have this problem.
I excluded some HostExplorer files in Program Files, and an individual
log file in the temp directory of the account, and the performance came
back to normal. The next day I deleted some files and folders from the
temp directory of the admin account, and removed the exclusions from
NOD32, and there was no slowdown anymore. I was not able to reproduce
the problem elsewhere.
Cheryl mentioned the ability to look at files that are being scanned by
AMON. However, AMON is not a category in v3, and the realtime scanning
does not seem to show realtime activity. Does anyone know how to show
realitime scanning activity in v3 (other than what is shown during a
full disk scan)?
I was very pleased to see in v3 that while a Scheduled full computer
scan is running in the background, there is an extra option under
Computer Scan in the ESET control panel. If you click on the extra
option (Active scan?) you get a display of file names, and finally an
option to stop the computer scan.
Cheryl Akers wrote:
> I went through this last November. It was AMON causing the problem.
> It took so long to scan one of the HostExplorer files that I'd get a
> timeout when trying to connect. If you open the AMON monitor window
> and then try to use HostExplorer you can see which file it hangs on.
> Hope this helps.
> At 12:17 PM 9/26/2007 -0400, you wrote:
>> Just wondering if there is any update on this? (sorry to dredge it
>> up from the past)
>> I've been fighting with HostExplorer on 3 computers here. I finally
>> remembered that there was a conflict with Nod32, but making the
>> changes suggested below still doesn't help for me. (oh, and this
>> info hasn't made it into AIS's help desk system)
>> Are there any alternatives to HostExplorer? Some other 3270 program
>> that can be piped thru a Putty SSL tunnel or something?
>> On April 23, at 11:28 AM April 23, Peter J Murray wrote:
>>> Is AIS going to update Host Explorer with a different version? The
>>> one that they have for download has a bunch of weird errors in it
>>> (not to mention it's a few revisions behind). If you install it
>>> with the per user profile, it just one day stops working. Only
>>> reinstalling it with a common profile makes it work. When you
>>> install that particular version, it complains it can't find the
>>> help file, because the install has it point to a non existent path.
>>> Also, Host Explorer seems to be really big for what it does. It's
>>> very resource intensive and large.
>>> Erik Selke wrote:
>>>> We had this problem when we switched to NOD32.
>>>> NOD32's IMON component conflicts with HostExplorer. You could
>>>> turn off IMON, but the better solution is to add the hostex32.exe
>>>> (C:\Program Files\Hummingbird\Connectivity\10.00\HostExplorer
>>>> \hostex32.exe) to the list of applications IMON does not monitor
>>>> This setting is under 'IMON/Settings/Misc/Excluded Applicatoons'
>>>> of the configuration profile. Then push the updated profile out
>>>> to your clients.
>>>> Erik
>>>> Chris Wolf wrote:
>>>>> Is anyone else using this combination of software on Windows XP?
>>>>> We're in the process of replacing Symantec Anti-Virus with NOD32
>>>>> and just last week ran into a problem on a single computer where
>>>>> Hummingbird Host Explorer fails to work after NOD32 was
>>>>> installed. Uninstalling NOD32 and going back to Symantec fixed
>>>>> the problem. However, we have installed NOD32 on several other
>>>>> computers where Host Explorer still works with no problems.
>>>>> Someone in AIS said she had heard of at least one other person
>>>>> (in ACNS) with this problem.
>>>>> --Chris
>>>>> ==============================================
>>>>> Chris Wolf
>>>>> Computer Service Manager
>>>>> Agricultural Economics [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> Michigan State University 517 353-5017
> Cheryl
> Cheryl Akers, MS, CNA - [log in to unmask]
> Microcomputer Support - Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
> 2228C Biomedical Physical Sciences
> Michigan State University
> East Lansing, MI 48824
> 517-355-6463 X1514
> "I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes, several days attack me
> at once."
> Jennifer Unlimited